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Benefits of soy candles

Updated: Aug 14

In recent years, soy candles have become increasingly popular for a variety of reasons. Check some main advantages:

  1. Environmentally Friendly:

  1. Cleaner Burning:

  • Less Soot: Soy candles produce less soot than paraffin candles, which means less indoor air pollution and a cleaner home environment.

  • Reduced Toxins: They are free from the toxins often found in paraffin candles, leading to a healthier atmosphere.

  1. Longer Burn Time:

  1. Better Scent Throw:

  • Enhanced Fragrance: Soy wax has a lower melting point, which allows for a more even and consistent scent throw, enhancing the fragrance experience.

  • Natural Scents: Often paired with essential oils or natural fragrances, soy candles can offer a more authentic scent experience. Check our after work set perfect for a spa feeling at home

  1. Support for Farmers:

  • Agricultural Support: Purchasing soy candles supports soybean farmers and the agricultural industry, particularly in regions where soybeans are a major crop.

  1. Natural and Non-Toxic:

  • No Chemical Additives: Soy candles typically do not contain synthetic additives, making them a healthier option for homes, especially those with children and pets.

  1. Easy Cleanup:

  • Water-Soluble: Any spilled soy wax can be cleaned up with soap and water, unlike paraffin wax, which can be more difficult to remove.

These benefits make soy candles an appealing choice for those looking to create a healthier, more sustainable, and pleasant home environment.


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